Blog on how to choose your engagement session location



May 3, 2017


How do you possibly go about choosing a location for your engagement photos when we live in such an incredibly beautiful state? There are countless amazing locations for photoshoots, so here’s a guide to help inspire you & hopefully give you a little guidance as you and your fiance begin to discuss ideas.

When it comes to finding a location for your session we suggest finding a spot that you feel at home and comfortable in. If you never go into the city, perhaps the Nashville Pedestrian Bridge isn’t the best choice for you. However, if your fiance and you met on Broadway Street and spend your nights out going to Predator games, then let’s hit the town! You should feel comfortable expressing yourselves and your love. Is coffee part of your love language but you aren’t comfortable snuggling up close and being cutesy together in the corner of a cafe? Are you more comfortable in your home? Let’s do a lifestyle session in your kitchen! You can grind your own coffee, brew it and cozy up together in the comfort of a home setting.

Family farm engagement photos with sun setting behind couple


Photoshoots are FUN! You should be at full liberty to have fun & be joyful in the location! Whether that fun is taking a bottle of wine, blanket, and Scrabble up to an overlook at Arrington Vineyards for an intimate and laughter fulled picnic; or, a day trip strolling through the Zoo together. Find a spot that you are happy in and will enjoy being at. Most of all, find a spot that expresses your love story & your style! As long as your location fits within these suggestions then you’re going to be happy with whatever you choose.

Okay, so that’s all great information, right?! But, if you’re like me you’re probably thinking, cool – now give me some suggestions!

  1. Brainstorm! Think of different locations that you might have access to that most people might not be able to. For example, maybe your family, or someone you are close with personally or professionally, can secure you access to a location that might otherwise be off-limits such as the Bridgestone, a private club, family ranch, estate, airplane hanger, or resort. You’ll be surprised what the two of you will come up with once you spend a few minutes brainstorming & asking your friends and family. Our couples have secured permission to some pretty amazing places in the past – we even used the football field at MTSU! If you get stuck or need inspiration, check out the engagement section of our blog.
  2. Rent a Spot! Ok, so you LOVE the idea of an at home session in a kitchen; but your not exactly expecting someone from Home Living to show up on your doorstep to write an article about your lived in & loved kitchen. Easy solution! Rent a dreamy kitchen space! Our couples have had some wonderful luck finding amazing places from Avvay & AirBnB.
  3. Your Wedding Venue! This is always a great option to consider because you both already love the location enough that you plan to get married at it. The added bonus about this option is that you can choose your favorite engagement photo & recreate it in the same spot on your wedding day with your wedding attire.
  4. Seasonal Options! Is there an activity happening that you’d like to schedule your session around? The State Fair, a Carnival, a Music Festival, etc. Snowball fights, Sunflower season, Cotton fields in bloom, & Pumpkin Patches are also fun seasonal ideas!
  5. Destination Photoshoot! Love to Travel & want to showcase that in your engagement photos? We will travel with you for your engagement session, not only throughout the state but also outside of it. Better yet, if you find that your travel schedule puts you someplace such as Florida at the same time as us, we are more than happy to set up a destination session with you!
  6. Think Outside the Box! Sometimes you can find the perfect location based on thinking outside of the box about an activity you like to do together & might like to do during your session. LDo you enjoy fishing or canoeing? Let’s find a spot with a pond! Reading? Let’s go to a library! Let’s go to Brunch! Ice Cream? (YUM!) There are some charming parlors around Nashville! Bicycling? Pillow fights? Cooking? Is your husband a firefighter? Let’s go to the fire house! Record hunting downtown? Do you have a favorite local brewery? Sports, especially football, are a fun addition to the session. A Vintage Movie Theater, such as in Downtown Franklin.  Of course, Pets are always welcome!!
  7. Still Unsure? That’s okay! We’re here to help our couples! Shoot us an email & we’ll help you select the perfect locations!

Western Kentucky University Engagement Photoshoot

Engagement in Nashville TennesseeEngagement session snuggling on beach in Belize Couple kissing on 50 yard line of MTSU football field Joyful photo of engaged couple holding hands and laughing at Stone Gate Farm Engagement photos of couple standing in the vibrant colored gardens of the Canada pavillion at EPCOT Photos of bride and groom sitting on couch in field of yellow flowers

Downtown Nashville Engagement Session Wedding Photographer Ivory Door Studio


PRO TIP!!! When choosing someplace is it extremely important to call ahead and check that the location is available that day, ask their policies & inquire if there is a fee to use the property. You never know if the location you want is under construction or rented for a private party. Certain locations such as Centennial Park & Bicentennial Mall require a permit, we can help with this, but will need enough notice for the state to process the permit. Planning ahead will lead to less stress & more fun, you don’t want to show up all dolled up for photos only to find that your spot isn’t available.


"Choosing Ivory Door Studio for my wedding was one of the best decisions I made. "

  1. I LOVE these tips!!! I would never have thought about #2! I’m going to have to share that idea with my couples. 🙂

  2. Stefani Ciotti says:

    These are excellent tips!! Absolutely love this blog!

  3. Great tips on how to pick an engagement session location!

  4. These tips are so great! Such a great resource for brides-to-be!

  5. Holly says:

    These are great tips and also such lovely locations!! Love the thought of renting a space – will definitely have to check out what’s available in our area!

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